California Assisted Living Association
California Assisted Living Association
445 Capitol Mall Suite 222
Sacramento California 95814-4404
Tel: 916.448.1900
Fax: 916.448.1659
About CALA
What is CALA?
The California Assisted Living Association (CALA) is the only association solely representing Assisted Living providers through the state:
•Leading the Way - offering opportunities to hone skills, develop programs and stay current on timely issues
•Representing Your Interests - providing ongoing advocacy to help shape policy and clarify regulations
•Keeping You Informed - sending timely updates on regulatory changes and urgent issues
•Promoting Innovation & Best Practices - encouraging and rewarding excellence and innovation among Assisted Living providers
•Providing Tools to Assist Operations - offering support programs and materials targeting key operational areas
CALA’s Mission
The California Assisted Living Association (CALA) is an organization devoted to the betterment of Assisted Living by providing:
•Leadership to Assisted Living providers and other stakeholders in the Assisted Living field,
•Advocacy to protect the interests of providers and the consumer-focused service they provide,
•Education to support the provision of high quality programs and services.
CALA’s Members
CALA represents over 400 Assisted Living communities. Our members range from small independently operated communities to large multi-national organizations, and from providers that cater to an active lifestyle to those that specialize in caring for residents with dementia.
Copyright © 2008 CALA
