Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living
Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living
2342 Oak Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Tel: 703-533-8121
The Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living (CCAL) is a national nonprofit consumer-based organization nationwide focused on the needs, rights and protection of assisted living consumers, their caregivers and loved ones. CCAL educates consumers, trains professionals, and advocates for assisted living issues. CCAL works collaboratively with a broad spectrum of people and organizations to support quality assisted living, and provide options for individuals with low incomes.
•believes that advocacy action is necessary today to ensure quality care tomorrow;
•advocates for the safety, quality care and protection of assisted living residents;
•educates consumers to help them navigate the confusing array of assisted living choices and make appropriate, informed decisions
Goals and Objectives
•Ensure that the organization is financially secure, well managed, and successful in achieving its annual goals.
•Educate consumers, advocates, professionals and the public about choices and needs in the confusing landscape of assisted living.
•Strengthen the consumer's voice and involvement in advocacy for assisted living.
•Provide tools and resources to help consumers make informed choices.
•Promote quality care and effective practices to enhance the quality of life for assisted living residents.
•Advocate for assisted living as an option for individuals who have low to moderate incomes.
•Monitor national assisted living issues to support consumer needs and to ensure that industry practices do not take precedence over consumer needs.
•Serve as a national resource and facilitator to promote the exchange of information and ideas among the diverse stakeholders of assisted living.
