Elder Rights Protection
Elder Rights Protection

While conditions for older Americans have improved markedly since the initial passage of the Older Americans Act, the independence of many elderly is still threatened by abusive situations ranging from financial exploitation to severe neglect. For others, independence is hindered by limited financial resources, disability, and lack of information on rights and benefits. To help address these issues, AoA administers a number of Vulnerable Elder Rights Programs that provide important protections against threats to the independence, well being, and financial security of seniors.

Please select from the programs below to learn more.

Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
National Center on Elder Abuse
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Legal Assistance
Pension Counseling and Information Program
SMP Program
National Center for Benefits Outreach and Enrollment
National Minority Aging Organizations Technical Assistance Program
Women and Retirement Planning Program
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